The SRCD south mtn precinct has an important election coming up soon (11/22/!9.) The two candidates who have volunteered to run and represent us are Chris Monger and Alisha Maddox. Chris has been actively involved in the SRCD and is completing his elected one-year term. The initial board was sworn in on March 19th 2019 at which time staggered. Terms were drawn by lot. Chris drew the “short Straw” so his seat is up for re-election this year.
Both candidates have sound professional backgrounds for tackling the SRCD challenges ahead.
Chris has proven himself during his first term on the board and has been an asset. He has been involved from the beginning and learned the RAD, approval of state laws under the guidelines provided. He read the documents and learned the requirements to serve as a volunteer on this board and has given much of his soul. He learned the do's and don'ts in WV to get this approved, as well as what the SRCD can and can't control.
I do not know Alisha personally, but it appears that's she's been involved with consulting work with Snowshoe management as a contractor, according to her response when asked to" describe her connection to Snowshoe."
After reading her "priorities for the District," I have some grave concerns:
1. Alisha's goal "on maintaining a standard of appearance for the properties" I want to ensure Snowshoe lodging accommodations are up to date."
These are clearly NOT related to the SRCD role but to Snowshoe Mountain Resort and property management. lt seems clear she has not read and or understands the bylaws and the statue of the SRCD.
2. Alisha's goal "to represent Snowshoe Mountain Resort"
The SRCD residential seat for which she is a candidate does not represent Snowshoe Mountain Resort. lt only represents the approximate voting members in each district for this election (out of 2000 plus SRCD voting members.) lt appears that Alisha is unfamiliar with the SRCD bylaws and state statutes.
In my opinion, a candidate MUST be familiar with SRCD bylaws, state and county statutes before an election in order to be considered a viable candidate. (Thee election Committee should consider addressing this issue in the future.)
One way someone can become more familiar with the process is by becoming involved in committee work before considering becoming a candidate for a seat on the District Board.
For these reasons, I urge all to vote for, and support Chris Monger for the SRCD South District Representative.
Please feel free to contact me at with comments or questions, and PLEASE CAST YOUR VOTE ASAP!
Sincerely; Harry Gillum Wabasso 10 Homeowner 22 years and HOA board member - Vice President 1998-2019