Moving from Elections Forum for @cdunavent .
From the JAN President's Meeting Notes:
RV parking – it shouldn’t be allowed at Top of the World general parking
Patti has asked Snowshoe Public Safety to patrol the mountain and anywhere RV or generator camping is found, they are being asked to relocate to the Inn parking lot during the winter months.
MY QUESTION: Is this only applicable during Winter months? The reason that I ask is that last Summer there was an (in my opinion) unsightly RV parked in front of Leatherbark for much of the Summer of 2019. It was not parked in the parking lot but actually in the grassy area next to my building (I’m in LB108B). I had considered reporting it, but was unclear as to whether or not Snowshoe (and/or the Leatherbark HOA) allows this.
Can anyone offer clarity?
@cdunavent Patti replied with:
We own TOW parking lot and police that area constantly, we have put up signage in the adjacent overflow parking as well across the way. We do allow RV parking in the far corner of the INN at Snowshoe – but not long term. In the summer we use Silver Creek parking lot (the portion we own) The Inn and the large parking lot during event times for vendors, We try and avoid TOW for use at any time.
Leatherbark HOA would need to handle below if it’s parked in their parking lot.