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November 2021 Election

Call for Nominations - Unimproved Properties

The Board of Directors for the Snowshoe Resort Community District is publishing this Call for Nominations in accordance with the Bylaws governing the Snowshoe Resort Community District. 


The election is currently scheduled for Friday, November 19, 2021, and information concerning the election will be sent at least 30 days before the election.  Owners of Unimproved Properties will be sent ballots at least 30 days before the election.  There is one Unimproved Property Board position up for election. Ken Gaitor currently holds this seat.  Only Unimproved Property owners may nominate candidates.  Owners are encouraged to self-nominate if so desired.


Nominations must include:

1.     Name of owner making nomination (may be the same as the nominee)

2.     Name, address, phone number and Email address of nominee

3.     If you are the NOMINEE: A brief bio of less than 500 words explaining why the nominee would like to serve and qualifications

4.     Pictures of the NOMINEE are encouraged as the nominations will be placed on the District website.  If a nominee would like to make a YouTube video, we will share it via the website as well



Nominations must be received at the district no later than 5:00 pm, Eastern, September 24, 2021, via USPS or other paper means, fax (304)-572-5616 or Email to:


Snowshoe Resort Community District

PO BOX 377

Snowshoe WV, 26209

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