COVID-19 Emergency Order-
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and governmental pronouncements and orders relating thereto, in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of our citizens and residents, all meetings of the SRCD Board and any and all committees shall, until further Order be held telephonically or electronically.
The public shall be afforded the opportunity to watch/listen and comment telephonically or electronically. All notices for meetings shall be posted to the SRCD website ONLY.
The Election Committee for the Snowshoe Resort Community District will hold a Committee Meeting at 9:00am on July 28, 2020 via Google Meets Conference Call. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Join by phone
Toll number: (US) +1 732-706-8506 PIN: 765 577 672#
· Discussion and action of Upcoming Election
· Adjourn