To: All owners of Central Precinct Residential Properties located within the boundaries of the Snowshoe Resort Community District
You will take notice that pursuant to West Virginia Code, 7-25-1, et seq. and Articles III and IV of the Bylaws of Snowshoe Resort Community District, an election will be held on the 21st day of May 2021. This election shall be for the purpose of electing one person to the unexpired term of the Central Precinct Residential Member of the Snowshoe Resort Community District representing the Central Precinct Residential Board Seat. Due to COVID19 there will NOT be an election meeting. Voting will be by paper ballot which must be transmitted to the Snowshoe Resort Community District Election Committee by regular U.S. mail or electronically (facsimile or email) and must be received prior to 2:00PM Eastern Standard Time, May 21, 2021, delivered as follows:
Via Mail:
Snowshoe Resort Community District
Election Committee
PO Box 377
Snowshoe, WV 26209
Via Facsimile: 304-572-5616
Via Email:
As a reminder the Central Precinct includes Mountain Lodge, Allegheny Springs, Rimfire, Expedition Station and Highland House.